ChatGPT’s temperature

In a previous post I mentioned a parameter called ‘temperature’ which ChatGPT uses to vary its answers from being more focused and deterministic to being more diverse and unpredictable; a kind of creativity, perhaps. This is how the AI explains its ‘temperature.

Question: Consider the questions I have asked you in this conversation. If I now ask you the same questions in the same sequence, would your answers be different and, if so, might they contradict the answers given first time around?


As an AI, my responses are generated based on patterns learned from a large dataset during training, and are influenced by the specific wording and context of the prompts given to me. If you ask the exact same questions in the same sequence, you should generally expect to receive the same or very similar answers, assuming the underlying model and its parameters remain unchanged.

However, GPT-4, like previous versions of the model, includes an element of randomness in generating responses. This is intended to make the output more diverse and to avoid always giving the exact same response to the same input. As a result, the specific wording and phrasing of my responses may vary slightly each time you ask the same question.

That being said, these variations should not lead to contradictions in the answers. The core information provided should be consistent across different instances of the same question. If contradictions occur, they would more likely be due to an error or limitation in the model’s understanding or ability to generate accurate text, rather than a fundamental feature of the AI’s behavior.

Please note that while the AI does not have a memory of past interactions and does not learn or adapt based on these interactions, the responses provided should be consistent in terms of the information provided.

Question: However, GPT-4, like previous versions of the model, includes an element of randomness in generating responses. Does a user have any control over that element of randomness?


Yes, the user can control the degree of randomness in the responses generated by GPT-4 and similar models by adjusting a parameter known as the “temperature.”

The temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness of the model’s output. A higher temperature leads to more randomness, while a lower temperature makes the output more deterministic.

  • At a high temperature (e.g., 1.0 or higher), the model is more likely to generate diverse and creative responses, but at the risk of these responses being less coherent or relevant.
  • At a low temperature (e.g., 0.1), the model’s responses are more focused and deterministic, sticking to the most likely output according to its training data, but at the risk of being less diverse or creative.

So by adjusting the temperature, a user can control the trade-off between diversity and coherence in the model’s responses.

It’s important to note that the temperature does not affect the underlying model or its learned parameters, but rather how it uses these parameters to generate responses. The model itself remains unchanged, and it does not learn or adapt based on the temperature setting or the responses it generates.

Question: What are the upper and lower limits for this temperature?


The temperature parameter in models like GPT-4 is a positive number and theoretically, it can range from near-zero to positive infinity. However, in practical terms, typical values for the temperature range from around 0.1 to 1.0.

Here’s what happens at the extremes:

  • As the temperature approaches zero (but never actually reaching zero), the model becomes increasingly deterministic and will always choose the most probable next word. This could lead to very repetitive and rigid text.
  • As the temperature increases and goes beyond 1, the output becomes increasingly random. At extremely high temperatures, the text generated might be highly creative or unexpected, but it could also be very chaotic and make little sense, as the model starts to ignore the learned probabilities and picks words almost randomly.

In general, setting the temperature requires balancing the need for creativity and randomness against the need for coherence and relevance, and the optimal value can depend on the specific application and context. For many use cases, a value between 0.2 and 0.8 often works well.

Question: Is there a default value for temperature and, if so, what is it?


The default value for the temperature parameter can depend on the specific implementation of the model, but often, a default value of 1.0 is used.

At a temperature of 1.0, the model generates responses according to the probabilities it has learned from the training data. This allows for a balance of exploration and exploitation in the generated text, and typically produces diverse and coherent responses.

However, users can adjust this parameter to suit their needs, making the responses more deterministic (by setting a lower temperature) or more random (by setting a higher temperature), as discussed previously.

Keep in mind, these settings and defaults can vary between different versions of the model, different interfaces, or different programming libraries. It’s always a good idea to refer to the specific documentation associated with the version of the model being used for precise details.

Question: What temperature is being used for this conversation?


As an AI model, I don’t have direct access to real-time system-level details or settings like the current temperature parameter. In typical applications and deployments of models like me, the default temperature value is often set around 1.0. However, it can be adjusted depending on the needs of the conversation or application. You would need to refer to the specific settings or documentation of the platform or application you are using to determine the actual temperature setting being used.