Effective management of headteacher performance

A nine month research project into the effective management of headteacher
performance in maintained schools and academies reported in January 2014. The researchers declare that “effective oversight of the headteacher performance management process is one of the most important roles played by the governing body in the overall governance of the school.” They find that effective headteacher performance is characterised by ten features.

  1. It is integrated with the school development plan.
  2. It has a secure annual cycle of objective-setting and review together with interim monitoring.
  3. It is underpinned by sound relationships – characterised by openness, trust and integrity – among all those involved.
  4. It involves the setting of meaningful and challenging but achievable objectives for the headteacher.
  5. It strikes an appropriate balance among internal and external accountability, development and reward.
  6. It makes use of a wide variety of data from a range of sources to inform and underpin decision-making.
  7. It is evaluated and adapted over time to meet evolving requirements of individual circumstances and shifting organisational needs within a dynamic context of governance.
  8. It is appropriate for the stage of development of the school and the headteacher.
  9. It is viewed as part of an ongoing and wider process of working with the headteacher and all members of staff to ensure high levels of performance.
  10. It is integral to the development of overall governing body capacity to meet the needs of the school.

Spicer, David Eddy, et al. “Effectively managing headteacher performance.” (2014).