Business Model Framework

The Business Model Framework was developed for HackFWD by Tom Hulme – Founder and Board Director of IDEO. The Framework was designed to analyze start-ups and to help provoke creative thought. The tool has been published and used, aiming to focus on other aspects, beyond the value proposition and the customer.
The canvas is divided into nine building blocks. Each building block contains some explanations and prompts with focus on B2C tech businesses.
The tool draws inspiration from different tools, such as the Business Model Canvas, the approach by Gary Hamel and Porter’s 5 Forces. In addition to the Business Model Canvas from Osterwalder & Pigneur, this tool focuses on growth and competitive strategy.”

Are most adaptations of the Business Model Canvas broken?

After several years “on the market” there are now multiple Business Model Canvas adaptations floating around. People sometimes ask me about them. This blogpost provides an answer by explaining the Canvas through the analogy of a Theater (watch the video). It shows why we got it right and why most adaptations are broken.”  Alexander Osterwalder, January 2013